Thankful Thursday Week Five

Hey everyone! It is the last week in November and also the last Thankful Thursday post for the year. A month full of gratitude and reflection is the perfect way to usher in the new holiday season full of joy and laughter and Christmas cheer! Are you ready?!

End of the Year Book Tag

Hello, Darlings! As I was working my way through my Youtube subscriptions today I ran across this tag from Louise the Big Haired Bookworm. As many of you know she is a favorite of mine so I thought I would give this tag a try.

Thankful Thursday Week Four

Hey Darlings! Can you believe it?! It is already Thanksgiving! November is flying by and this means we only have this post and one more Thankful Thursday. It is a tradition that I love sharing with you all each and every year. I hope that your day was filled with love and joy and family.

Thankful Thursday Week Three

Hello, my darlings! Can you believe we are already one week until Thanksgiving?! I am blown away by how quickly the month is going. Who am I kidding, the whole year has been this way! I hope you are ready for another week of thankfulness. I would love to hear some of the things you are thankful for down below! Let's get started! 


Thankful Thursday Week Two

Hello, my darlings! It has been another week, and it feels like it has flown by. Overall, it has been a good week. I hope that you have had a magnificent week. I am here with you to share with you some of the things I have been grateful for this weekend. If you haven't taken some time to look back at last weeks post as well. Let's get started!

Thankful Thursday Week One

Hello, lovelies! Can you believe we are already into November?! The year is almost to an end. If you are new around here, welcome! I hope that you stick around. For those of you who have been here for a while, you will know my long-standing Thankful Thursday, when I post each Thursday during the month of November with things I am thankful for. So let's get started!