Currently Reading - January 2020

Hiya Darlings!! Look who is back with a currently reading post?! Whether you are a fellow bookworm, or you are just curious about what I have been reading, this post is for you. I managed to finish a few books in January and wanted to share them with you, so let's get started!

Many of you will be wondering where these posts went in 2019. I felt the burnout from my currently reading posts fairly early on. When I hit my big reading months with a ton of books, I just couldn't bring myself to try and catch up. (I tend to read and forget which can be a blessing and a curse, you will see.) The pressure I have been feeling? To provide detailed reviews and proper descriptions of EVERY book I read. There are many other blogs and reviewers that do that so well, and I am just not that blogger. I am sorry if that is what you are here for; however, I wanted to try something new this year. I hope you will give it a chance with me.

Instead of reviewing each book, I am going to showcase covers, provide Goodreads links, and then give you my standout book, an honorable mention, and then any ARCs (advanced reader copies) that I have read that month. How does that sound?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Her Snowbound Hero | Big Little Lies | Break Your Glass Slippers | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Standout Book
Although I read some pretty amazing books this month, Big Little Lies takes the standout for me. This book kept me hooked, engaged, and guessing all the way until the end. I found that keeping a list of names, kids, and connections helped to keep characters straight, but it did nothing in telling me who or what. The drama and short chapters kept me flipping through. This was my first Lianne Moriarty; however, it is far from being my last. The best way I can sum this reading up is dramatic suspense with complex relationships that takes a look at domestic abuse and generational impacts.

Honorable Mention
Remember the blessing and a curse that I mentioned with forgetting quickly? This is why this gets the honorable mention. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Always known as one of my least favorite in the series, which is probably why I went into this not remembering much at all. I was swept up in the story and noticed things like never before; however, the twist got spoiled for me (thanks bestie) just before the reveal. I did walk away with a new appreciation for this book though.

ARCs Read
Break Your Glass Slippers (NetGalley / Andrew McMeel Publishing) - Have you ever read a book that you see yourself in? How about a book that feels like it was taken and written directly from your story? It is a rare thing in the book world; however, this did just that for me. The moment I saw this on Netgalley I just had to grab it. Long time readers will remember me loving other poetry by Amanda Lovelace and this is no different. I felt so exposed and raw while reading this; however, it sparked an idea. I am going to buy a copy of this and journal my story throughout the pages. (Side note, if you are a NetGalley member, this is a Read Now title if you are interested in reading it yourself. )

There it is! My first wrap up for 2020!! I hope this is a more sustainable style for me and something refreshing for you to look forward to. Let me know what you think of the new changes. Until next time, curl up with a good book and share it with all of us.

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