Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

Hello, Lovelies!! I hope the end of June is finding you well and joyful! As June wraps up, the beginning of July begins, and we all take a look at the past six months, it is time to evaluate all we have accomplished for the first half of the year and what we hope to accomplish in the next six months. For me, that is revisiting reading goals. So let's get started with this fun tag created by IsThatChami on booktube.

Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag

Before we get started, let's do a brief check-in on goals for the year in terms of reading. One of my main goals was a low Goodreads goal. I settled on 25, and I am happy to report I have currently finished 34 books. I don't feel the pressure to raise that goal. I like the progress The one area that I think I am failing in is reading more of the books I own. I got sucked down the rabbit hole of loans from friends, NetGalley, and library books. I haven't purchased many books this year, but I haven't decluttered anymore either. One thing I have done is created a list of the books currently on my kindle (only ones I want to get to sooner rather than later or that interest me right now) and if I am stuck on what to pick up I ask my fiance or a friend to pick a book for me.

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2018.

There have been so many 5 star books this month, so I focused on those and narrowed it down to two specific books and then a third just overall type of book.
  • Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan - this book was enrapturing and fascinating to me. I loved walking through her journey and learning about all the things she went through
  • Wives of War by Soraya Lane- this book was all about hard times and female friendships. Why it was one of the best books for me is it really helped me to value my female friendships and really want to strive to keep them alive for years to come.
  • Male/Male Romance - this was a new adventure for me. There was a lot of smut involved, but why this is making the list is because it has helped me to grow as a human and view LGBTQ+ people differently.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2018.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

This is a little harder for me to answer. I don't stay on top of new releases; however, I think there are a few.

5. Biggest disappointment.

These are from books that I have DNFed this year; however, I may give them a second chance in the future. This year I have strived to read only what I am looking forward to and putting down anything that isn't working out for me without overthinking. Many of these just weren't what I was looking for at the time or I went in with too many expectations that weren't met.

6. Biggest surprise.

I am not sure how to answer this one. I haven't really had any surprises, maybe a tiny bit in More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera, but outside of that, I don't know of any reading surprises I have had.

7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you)

  • Adam Silvera
  • Patrice Greenwood
  • Lara Casey

8. Newest fictional crush.

I don't have a new fictional crush for this year so far, but I do have to say I am still loving Aric from the Arcana Chronicles.

9. Newest favorite character.

Ellen Rosings from the Wisteria Tearoom Mysteries. She reminds me so much of my best friend and also just how to be a more respectful human in general. I love that she is almost like a vintage soul in a modernized world.

10. Book that made you cry.

I don't have a particular book for this, but Riley Hart has a way of making me feel for her characters very strongly. I am sure if I have cried it is because of something one of her guys has gone through or is going through in her writing.

11. Book that made you happy.

Cottage by the Sea by Debbie Macomber. Even though this book isn't out yet, the arc of it made me happy. I loved the characters and what they went through. The beach setting made me happy and spoke directly to my soul. Debbie Macomber was an author that my aunt loved and ready this made me feel closer to her.

12. Favorite book to film adaptation you saw this year.

I haven't seen any this year, so I don't have an answer for this.

13. Favorite review you've written this year. (Booktube version: Favorite video you have done so
far in this year)

I don't really write many reviews here, but I do enjoy my currently reading posts.

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)

I am going to give you the reason why before the book. This book was bought and sent to me as a gift, but also as a part of something bigger. Aesthetically it is pretty, but the meaning behind it is what is so important to me. The was a book gifted to me to do alongside my best friend, Hunter from The Girl From Alabama.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?

I have so many books on my TBR that it isn't even funny at this point; however, I will list a few of them down below. Anything marked with an astrick (*) are arc copies from Netgalley or Goodreads.

Woah! Was that a long one or what! I can say that I am pretty happy with my reading for the first half of the year. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds for book adventures. How is your mid-year looking like for reading and other goals that you have set? Leave them down below. so I can cheer you one! 

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