June 2018 Favorites

Hiya, Babes! Today I am coming to you while visiting family! I know what you are thinking... Favorites aren't my usual monthly posts, but I thought with the lack of my usual, that a glimpse into what I have been loving this month will make up for it. So let's get into it.

June has been nothing but one huge reading slump for me. That is why you are seeing this post instead of my usual currently reading post. I only managed to finish one book, start another one, and abandon another at the start of the month. I am hoping that July holds me for me in terms of reading.

Aveeno Hydrate + Protect 70 SPF Sunscreen - When spending so much time in the pool, I needed extra protection from the sun. This seems to do the trick and it is easy to apply. It even has a pleasant scent.
Benadryl Itch Relief Stick - Hello Summer, aka mosquitoville. They love me, the feeling isn't mutual. This stays by my side constantly. Just a quick dab and I find it greatly helps reduce the urge for me to scratch.
Aleve - I made the switch from Advil this month and I have seen a huge improvement with pain management. My only complaint is that I feel that it doesn't help with headaches as much.
Flex Wet Brush - This was a treat from my mom after my haircut (more on that in a minute). It is the best wet brush I have ever used. It glides effortlessly through my hair, wet or dry. The flex feature really allows it to mold itself to my head it detangles through all the thick layers.

BIGS Dill Pickle Sunflower Seeds - I have been snacking on these all weekend and I can't seem to put them down! I am bringing a couple of bags home with me as well.
Pineapple Lemonade Punch - This is the closest recipe that I could find to the one my Mom used; however, this punch was a huge hit with everyone in the house.
Fiber One Lemon Bars - My fellow lemon loving future sister-in-law shared these with me and I am hooked!

ESPN Watch - D has done it again... He has been teaching me all about baseball. Watching the World Series together has been one of the best things!
100 Days to Brave - Doing this devotional with my best friend has been one of the biggest blessings for both of us. We love learning and growing through fellowship together.
Jesus, You Alone - Highlands Worship - Highlands Worship has done it again with an amazing song that I keep coming back to over and over again.

Love Mapping with Dylan - A set of questions that we both answered about each other. Some things we knew, some things we learned about each other. Overall a great bonding exercise for us. (If this is something you would love to see me talk more about in a post, let me know down believe.)
Devotionals with Hunter - I know I mentioned it above, but devotional time with Hunter really has changed things for me. Being able to talk with her about what we are reading really gives me a different vantage point to view each lesson. Just liked studying Proverbs together, we each bring different things to the table, so we learn and challenge each other all the time.
Getting my haircut - It had been years since I let anyone else cut my hair; however, it was time to change things up. I cut close to a foot off, and I am still loving it! The hairdresser was very compassionate with me and worked with me through the anxiety of cutting it.
Visiting Mom and spending time in the pool - I have always had a really close relationship with my mom, so our visits are always filled with gossiping, cooking together, and time in the pool with my niece and nephews.

What was your favorite moments and products from the month?

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