Thankful Thursday 2018 - Week Four

Hello Darlings! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the United States! If you are outside of the states, this is a week that we come together and celebrate the things that we are thankful for while sharing a meal with family, friends, and others as well.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ― Melody Beattie
"We can't replace internal devotion with external duties" Karen McNary (First 5 App by Proverbs31 Ministries) - Not only did this quote really trudge up some spirit talk with God, but the complete weekend teaching did also. It is so easy to fall into the practice of doing my devotionals every morning yet not spending the needed time to quietly talk to God. I have been on this journey for most of 2018 to shift my "duties" and "devotions".

Family and Friends
All of my family and friends - On days like today it is so easy to just say everyone; however, the past few days have been the pure definition of why it has to be all of them. I celebrated an early Thanksgiving dinner with my mom, brother (and fiance), niece, and nephews. I loved the time with the kids, especially playing monopoly and teaching them to diamond paint. Most of all, I loved just getting in the kitchen with my mom and helping her cook and prep for dinner. And today, just sitting with my fiance, children, and friends watching the parade together. It is a wonderful reminder of the things that matter most in this life.

Hobbies, Crafts, and Reading
Shopping - More specifically, Christmas shopping. It is that time of year again and I love it. It brings back such wonderful memories of previous years shopping with Dylan. We have such a wonderful time finding different ideas for our little ones. Gifting has always been a favorite over getting, but each year the experience becomes more and more like a tradition with us. I am thankful for those moments spent bouncing ideas and finding quirky gift ideas.

Food and Drink
Christmas Cookie Ice Cream - I managed to get my hands on one of these coveted tubs of deliciousness, and heavens am I thankful for that! My favorite ice cream hasn't changed in many many years. I have a top three and nothing touches it... until this. I am truly depressed that it is limited edition and hard to find as it is. I have even commented on buying a new freezer and stocking up on at least enough to have one a month for next year. I know it won't happen, but they would make a killing from me if they would put this in permanently.

I hope that you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are in the US or just a wonderful week if you aren't. What are some of the little traditions that you are thankful for this time of year? Don't forget to head on over to The Girl From Alabama to catch up on all of her Thankful Thursday posts for this year!

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