Thankful Thursday 2018 - Week Three

Hello, Darlings! Here we are half way through November and quickly approaching Thanksgiving here in the US. Time is speeding by, so I am here to slow down a bit and remember some of the things I am grateful for this week.

Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me, and to the blameless I will show my salvation. -Psalm 50:23

The Busy Woman's Guide to Prayer - This is the book I am currently reading with my Bible study group and it is really helping me to view prayer differently. God has really put it on my heart to work on this area of my life. I am so grateful for this quote: "God’s mysterious power is irresistible and unfathomable, and our prayers are needed to prepare the way for it." The revelation that my prayers are NEEDED was a huge eye opener for me this week.

Family and Friends
Hunter - No one is shocked to see this, and I know I rave about her all the time; however, she has really been pushing me to be more and to really invest my time with God well. She claims I am the one to inspire her, but she does the same for me in many ways. I am so grateful that I have a friend that does that. She knows when I need pushing and when I just need comfort and a listening ear. I wouldn't even be doing this post if it wasn't for her. (Thanks for putting up with my horribly grumpy mood this morning.)

Hobbies, Crafts, and Reading
Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke - More specifically, the narrator Brendan Fraser. His narration of this book was so fantastic and mesmerizing. I know it is an odd thing to be thankful for, but you would just have to hear it for yourself! It is a children's/young adult novel with dragons and little creatures riding off to find this place they have heard about in order to save the few dragons remaining. He has a voice for each character and he doesn't just stop there! The sound effects that he sprinkles throughout made it such an enjoyable experience for me.

Food and Drink
Green Bean Casserole - I don't have a recipe of this to share with you even though I am sure it is a simple one to find. It is that time of year again when all I can think about is my Mom's green bean casserole. I honestly don't know why we don't have it more throughout the year, but I am already craving it for the holidays.

What have you been thankful for this week? The verse I shared was a great reminder for whom my thanks belong and to offer up my sacrifices of thanks for often to God. Don't forget to hop on over to The Girl From Alabama to catch her Thankful Thursday post for some more gratitude!

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