Thankful Thursday - Week Three

Hello dearies, welcome back to another week of Thankful Thursday. If you are new, you can find out more about this series of posts here. It has been a very mellow week for me; however, so many blessings to share as well. Don't forget weeks one and two if you haven't had a chance to read them yet.

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
-2 Corinthians 9:8

1. Sharing the love of Christmas - I know what you are thinking... calm your Christmas cheer it isn't even Thanksgiving yet; however, when you have little ones that are already singing Christmas carols, are you really going to break their spirit by saying no? I am truly blessed to have children that love the holidays just as much as I do. We love learning about new traditions, singing and decorating, and just spending time together as a family. A tiny lyric blunder this week reminded me the joys and blessings of the holidays, and for that I am grateful

2. Taking steps to improve and strengthen my faith - My faith isn't anything new for me; however, finding and using tools that help me are. I am very grateful to have found resources like First 5, Echo, and many other tools to help me with my faith. One of my favorite things at the moment is using my bullet journal to help me keep track of everything. I am forever blessed to continue to grow and learn in my faith each day.

3. The way I was raised - I have been blessed with wonderful parents and family that raised me well. I am thankful that they raised me in understanding, grace, and even acceptance. Even though I choose to raise my children differently, my parents both taught me the basics of human kindness, forgiveness, and a foundation for right and wrong. I will be forever grateful for that foundation and understanding that has helped me grow into the adult that I am today.

4. My children - I am beyond grateful and blessed to be able to raise multiple children. God chose me to give them a life that their real mothers were not giving them. I am thankful that they accepted me without much trouble and they have taught me so much about them and even myself. I count my blessings each night, and they are at the top of my list.

5. My Kindle - I know this seems like a materialistic thing to be grateful for; however, it is more about what it has done for my reading than the device itself. Every since having my kindle I have more access to books, and lots of them. It is a huge blessing for me to have so many books at my fingertips and ready to go anytime. Also, I have purchased and read a lot more books that I never would have picked up in physical form. Reading is for pleasure for me, so I am thankful to have a device that really helps me to enjoy it more.

6. Geeky gifts - (I know this is going to make me sound ancient) I come from a time when being a geek or nerd meant being picked on in school. I was bullied because I enjoyed playing video games and reading. I am grateful that now it isn't so much of a feared thing. Not only can my children grow up being as nerdy or geeky or quirky as they want, I can also find numerous gift options for them and my fiance.

7. Reading Job with Hunter (My best friend from The Girl From Alabama) - Something we have started mid year is reading a book of the Bible together, one chapter a day. Recently we have been reading Job. Even though it was my suggestion, I am thankful that I have someone reading this with me. God is really teaching me about suffering through reading this. It is a blessing to get more into my faith and do it with someone who encourages me and always uplifts me.

What are some of the blessings that you are thankful for this week?

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