Thankful Thursday - November 14, 2019

Hiya, Dearies! It is that time of the week again!! November always ushers in this tradition and I always look forward to it. Today, however, is going to be a special edition of Thankful Thursday since it fell on National Diabetes Day!! So grab a cup of tea, or hot chocolate, and let's get started.

As I mentioned, it is National Diabetes Day, although I am not directly affected by it, many around me are. I am a bride-to-be, mother, and daughter of many that suffer from diabetes. I won't go into detail on the many types of diabetes here (and yes there are more than just type 2), however, I will encourage you so spend time educating yourself. Not all forms of diabetes are the same, and no exercise doesn't always fix the problem. My fiance and several of our children have type 1, which is autoimmune. I thought it would be fun today to share several of the things I am thankful for in the diabetic world.

Insulin - This may seem like the obvious one; however, it is becoming more and more known just how many people struggle to financially afford the insulin they need to save their lives. It is a heartbreaking reality that only makes me more grateful that my family can afford the liquid that keeps them healthy.

Modern Technology - I rest easier knowing that modern technology has allowed Dylan the ease of using an insulin pump to deliver around the clock insulin since his body doesn't produce what he needs. I also love that we have apps that we can use to keep track of our little one's blood sugar levels thanks to the Dexcom monitoring system. These are just two significant technologies in a field of modern conveniences that are available now.

Beyond Type 1 - This is so much more than just a place for resources, it is a community. I love that there is a place where my loved ones and I can go to not only learn, but also to talk to others in the community about this disease that affects too many. To know there are others out there like my daughters and son that can talk to them, share their experiences, and just make them feel not so alone is such a relief. (There is also a second community for Beyond Type 2 - I only focus on Type 1 since it is what my fiance and children have. My father was a type 2 and I wish I knew about these resources when he was alive, it would have changed everything.)

This Thankful Thursday is shorter; however, I wanted to highlight this day and honor these things in my life and the lives of my family. I want others to see beyond the diabetic stereotypes of no sweets and more exercise. I am to encourage you to research, even if just for one hour, the many types of diabetes and what you can do to help. What are some medical advancements that you are thankful for in your life? And don't forget to hop on over to The Girl from Alabama to see her Thankful Thursday post as well!

***I am not a medical professional, if you believe you or someone you know is suffering from diabetes, please reach out to your primary care physician.

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