5 Facts About Grieving And How To Get Through It

Losing a loved one is hard, but moving on afterwards can be somewhat tricky. Expectations say that breaking down happens immediately and it is all-consuming; however, what about those that hold it in or lock it down? Today we are talking about grieving. From those who have lost many, to those who haven't lost anyone close, we can all identify with some of these facts.

5 facts about Grieving

Grieving comes in stages.

It truly does not hit all at once. You may cry during the initial process, but even after the fact you will go through the stages: shock, denial, anger, etc. I have come to learn that no two people go through or feel the same thing with loss of any kind, especially grieving the passing of a loved one. You just have to ride the waves the best you can.

Grieving comes when you least expect it.

Just when you think you have it all managed and that you have released all the emotion you can, it hits you out of nowhere again. Years, months, weeks - it doesn't matter when. Some people still feel just as strongly five years later as the person that going through it for a week. Don't pressure yourself to move on or get over something before you are ready to do so.

It is the little things.

A dinner at their favorite place. A piece of clothing. A joke or saying they used. Sometimes even a flyer in the mail to an event they would have loved. The smallest of things can trigger a memory that brings you to tears over the person that you have lost. Even with tears on your cheeks, cherish those little sparks of memories for what they were/are.

Don't be afraid to let it out.

Balling up your emotions can cause even more pain and suffering. Releasing those emotions can help you feel better and to make it easier to better manage the situation at hand. Some people few the show of feelings as being weak or cowardly; however, letting it show can sometimes be brave and courageous. Never be afraid to feel what you are feeling. These emotions were created by God and meant to be felt.

Being happy isn't a terrible thing.

It can seem taboo to some to be laughing and generally happy during a time when sadness seems the norm; however, holding on to hope and happiness can help you and others to get through the process easier. Sharing a laugh and a smile in their honor can uplift spirits and change someones day. Living happily is more honor and respect to those that we have lost.

I want to thank everyone who has prayed for my father since my last post. He passed away peacefully on the sixteenth of this month. I didn't want to post a full blog on his passing just yet. It has been an up and down process so far. Having peace of mind over his salvation has been a saving grace; however, little moments creep up on me. It is still overwhelming at times, like waking up on my birthday with the expectation of him asking me where I wanted to go for dinner. I have a 25 (almost 26) years of memories that I will cherish.

What are some ways that you cope with grief? Do you have special things that you do when you are feeling the sadness, anger, etc? I would love to hear from you about your own personal experiences. And once again, thank you for all of your prayers.


  1. I lost my sister in a car accident when I was young and writing in a journal really helped me to get out my feelings.
    Sending love to you.
