Reading Wrap Up - May 2015

Welcome back my darlings. It is time for another reading wrap up here on my blog today. Depending on how you look at it, this was either a good or a bad reading month. Overall, I read thirteen books; however, only two of those were for my Popsugar Reading Challenge. Why don't you stick around for a little while and find out what I thought of these books. At the end, I am going to be talking a little more about my reading goals, the challenge, and what is coming up reading wise.

Monthly Reading Wrap Up

The Longest Ride by Nicholas SparksThe Longest Ride follows the story of two different couples. The first of Ira who has just been in a crash on an icy road. We follow his journey as he revisits the memories of his life with his deceased wife, Ruth. However, out in the country is a man named Luke that just is sitting atop the first bull he has ridden in over a year. He knows he shouldn't be doing it, but he had to try one last time. Will meeting Sophia change his need to ride, or will she be forced to walk away before the dreaded happens?

This was a very personal and emotional read for me. As a the last Christmas gift from my Uncle, I picked up this book in attempt to hang on to him after his passing. This story had be in tears. Sparks has a way with love stories like no other. I didn't understand the need for Ira and Ruth's story until near the end; however, the beauty in the retelling of memories is heartwarming. I was going to look into watching the movie as well, but I am not sure about how I feel about that. Just by the preview I watched, I can tell there are some changes I am not sure I could get past.

Popsugar Reading Challenge: Book From An Author You Love/Never Read

Entwined by Heather DixonEntwined is the story of Azalea and her family. This year should be a year of dances, courtships, and happiness; however, an unexpected event changes the course of the year. Soon she believes she has found the escape for her and her sisters in a world hidden away from the eyes of those who scrutinize their every movement. Will the decision to do what is not welcomed come back to haunt her? What if the pretty image she sees is only the surface of a much darker presence? As the Keeper breaks free, can she save the ones she loves?

I choose this book because of the cover (For the challenge). For several years now the cover art has been a background that I loved on my phone, so what better book based on a cover could I choose? I
was captivated by the world. The "normal" part of the world wasn't captivating the way that Keeper's world was. From the beginning when Azalea found the escape, I had a feeling that all wasn't as it seemed, but author Dixon lulled me with the stunning detail and beauty. I would have loved to have seen this book as a trilogy with the storyline more detailed and stretched out. I wasn't disappointed, but I felt there could be more.

Popsugar Reading Challenge: Book Based On The Cover

The Boxcar Children's The Pilgrim Village, Mystery At Snowflake Inn, The Houseboat Mystery, The Haunted Cabin Mystery, The Deserted Library, The Ghost Town Mystery, The Camp-Out Mystery, Snowbound Mystery, The Mystery of the Mummy's Curse, The Mystery In The Snow, The Castle Mystery were all of the books that I read to my girls (with a few more added in) this month. Many of them were very suspenseful and intriguing. This really is a series that I would have enjoyed as a kid. Even now I love reading these to my children. My oldest enjoys the ones were they cook more.

I am happy to announce that I have (for the second time) completed my Goodreads Reading Goal for the year. I revised my original of 35 to 50. I have now increased the total to 100. So far, I am about half way through the Popsugar Reading Challenge. I am now focusing more on reading those books. For my reading challenge, as I go, I have noticed that what I originally picked out for my challenge sometimes changes. This challenge has really opened me up to new books and authors that I may not have picked up on my own. Reading wise I am working on my trilogy for the challenge now. My goals are to really buckle down and finish up this challenge. Once I have it completed, I have several books I want to get to including a revisit to the Shadowhunter world created by Cassandra Clare.

What books did you finish in the month of May? Was this a good reading month for you? Leave me a comment below with the books you have read/plan to read or just suggestions of books you think I should pick up as well. I will see everyone again soon with another book related post. Until then, may your reading be delightful and the words reach your soul.

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