Etsy Shop Review - SponseredbyCoffee

Hello planner babes! I am doing something a little different today, an Etsy shop review. I wanted to showcase and talk about the SponseredbyCoffee horizontal kit. Her horizontal kits for the Erin Condren planner is designed for the option of a no white space layout. Her shop is currently on vacation; however, she is scheduled to return soon. So let's see how this layout turned out.

No white space planning... something I never thought I would find myself drawn to; however, I saw a video for it while playing around on YouTube and I was amazed at how well it turned out. I thought I would try out one of the kits for myself. The kit was five full sheets and one half sheet of stickers. I opted for the matte stickers simply because of cost. When they arrived, the package included a little Christmas freebie and a little thank you card with her information on it. Here is the completed layout (stay tuned for closer looks):

Erin Condren Horizontal

Trying the kit for myself, I was a little nervous. Preplanning isn't something I have been doing for a while. I have a terrible time committing to stickers. I like the flexibility of planning as I go or later, but that really defeated the purpose of a planner for planning versus memory keeping.

Erin Condren Horizontal

Starting out with this kit, I put down all of the thin washi, top washi (which I customized to cover the top completely as shown), and date covers with the numbered circles. Then I started working my way outwards starting with to do headers and heart checklists. Little things were next and where I stalled the most. Committing to certain things when I wasn't sure in advance, terrified me; however, we will see how that goes throughout the week.

Erin Condren Horizontal

Overall, after having placed all of the stickers, I really love the way that this week looks in my planner. We will have to see how it goes throughout the week in terms of working and functioning for me. Having done this, I am even considering the switch to a vertical due to how rare it is to find no white space horizontal kits, no matter how much I love them. What are some planner related reviews you would like to see in the future?

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