Changing Holiday Traditions

Hiya lovelies! We are already a week into December! Time is already flying by faster than we can make memories. Memories... such an important part of Christmas and the Holiday season. With memories come traditions, those little or sometimes big things that you do each year that makes it seem a little more special.

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions are something important to many. They are often some of the memories that I cherish the most around this time of year. Whether it was my grandparents coming down for Christmas or going out on Christmas Eve to look at the Christmas lights around town, there are many many memories attached to those traditions with my family. My family dynamics have changed and will continue to change as the years go by. I wanted to share with you a few of my traditions that I am changing or modifying this year and into future years with my family.

1. Unwrapped Santa Gifts - I know this has been a huge topic among my close group of friends and family. Growing up, all of my gifts from Santa would be out on display as soon as we went downstairs on Christmas morning. Don't worry, there were always tons of wrapped things for us to open as well. Now I understand why, the struggle of wrapping everything. Although that was wonderful and something that I really enjoyed, I want to do things differently. All things wrapped, even the stockings, with the exception of maybe two or three items. Those items will only be left out and unwrapped to keep everyone entertained while we wake up completely. This way, everything is a mystery and we still have time to be fully awake and prepared for memories to happen. I don't want to miss a thing.

2. Sending Christmas Cards - Before you flip, I am not meaning cut them out completely. I want to change the way that I do things with Christmas cards. Making them by hand is a project I want to undertake and I have in the past. I want to start the tradition of doing it together. I want to have my children and even my fiance and my friends to come into my craft room and work with me to create Christmas cards. This may mean that we start in July, but it is something I really want to do. Along with this, we will continue to participate in card drives along the way as well. I know my children really loved making cards for the Caring Hearts Card Drive this year.

3. Traditional Christmas Meal - Although I love my ham, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, and other trimmings, I want to change things up a bit as well. With a tiny British child running around my tree I am encouraged to branch out and try recipes and foods that are traditional for a British Christmas. Not only will it make her feel more at home, it will also give us a chance to learn and try new things as well. I am looking forward to the new variety. Who knows, maybe we will even branch out to other cultures in future years.

What are some of the Christmas traditions that you have with your family? The memories we create this time of you are filled with such joy and splendor, lets make the most of our time together.

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