Fresh Start Challenge Day 15: Proud

15 Ways You Are Proud Of Yourself Or Love Yourself

  1. Discovering my faith again.
  2. I have stuck to drinking water with only the occasional tea or soft drink.
  3. Not having a panic attack when turning in my projects.
  4. Growing out my hair (again).
  5. Growing out my nails.
  6. Learning to love myself, especially the parts I usually try to hide.
  7. Facing my fear of driving. It may be a slow process, but I am doing it.
  8. Being able to look at myself in the mirror.
  9. Learning to let people spend money on me (Even though they are spending way way way too much).
  10. Letting down my walls and loving with every fiber of who I am.
  11. Knowing that I am beautiful.
  12. Believing that I am good enough.
  13. For starting and maintaining a blog. 
  14. Being the gentle one.
  15. I am proud that I was able to complete this post. If I would have been tasked with this a month or two ago, I wouldn't have made it this far.

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